What isaa reform of derg

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  1. 123456

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  2. '+(41185*44301)+'

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  3. 123456'and/**/extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1435272304)))and'

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  4. 123456"and/**/extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1624748148)))and"

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  5. 123456/**/and+1=1

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  6. 123456/**/and+0=8

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  7. 123456'and'z'='z

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  8. The Derg was a military junta that ruled Ethiopia for nearly 17 years, from 1974 to 1991. During its rule, the Derg implemented numerous reforms, including:

    1. Land Reform: The Derg introduced a land reform program that aimed at redistributing land from wealthy landowners to the landless poor. This program was intended to lessen the inequality in the country and to increase agricultural productivity by giving land to those who would use it to grow crops.

    2. Education: The Derg launched a massive literacy campaign, which saw the establishment of thousands of schools across the country. The goal of this education reform was to increase the literacy rates of Ethiopians and to create a skilled workforce to support economic growth.

    3. Health: The Derg implemented major healthcare reforms, establishing a national health service and increasing the number of hospitals and clinics across the country. This reform aimed to ensure that all Ethiopians had access to basic healthcare services.

    4. Nationalization: The Derg nationalized much of the country's industries and businesses, including banks, factories, and transportation. This was done in an effort to promote economic development and reduce foreign influence in the country.

    Overall, these reforms were intended to improve the lives of Ethiopians and strengthen the country's economy. However, critics argue that the Derg's authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, and political repression undermined these reforms and left Ethiopia worse off than before.

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